Juliet Bonnah, PA & Dr. Michelle S. Williams
Background: Cervical cancer is currently the second leading cause of cancer death among women in Ghana. Previous studies have identified stigma as a significant sociocultural barrier to cervical cancer screening among Ghanaian women. The purpose of this study was to assess the acceptability of evidence and theory based, culturally relevant cervical cancer stigma reduction intervention materials among Ghanaian healthcare providers.
Methods: Central-location intercept questionnaires were completed by providers (n=60) in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. Providers reviewed a poster, an audio message, and a brief educational video. The variables assessed included the reaction to the materials, the ability of the materials to attract the attention of the intended audience, the ability of the materials to communicate the main point of the cancer education message, and the reaction to cultural characteristics of the materials.
Results: The mean age of the providers (n=60) was 30.6 years, and the majority (70.8%) were females. Most of the providers had a positive general reaction to the poster, audio, and video materials. Most of them found the materials to be motivating. In addition, most of the providers found the information in the materials to be attention-getting, interesting, useful, direct/ to the point, and related to someone like them. Very few providers (5%) indicated that they were confused by the images or messages used in the materials.
Conclusion: The findings show that culturally relevant cervical cancer education materials were acceptable to Ghanaian healthcare providers. These materials may be effective in increasing cervical cancer awareness among Ghanaian women.
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